[Video] Dhoruba bin Wahad on the Nexus Between Islamophobia and White Supremacy

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Bay Area, California

From: A Muslim Contributor to Bay Area Intifada

Earlier today I had the great pleasure of conducting a video interview with a solid Brother, and true internationalist revolutionary elder Dhoruba al Mujahid bin Wahad, former political prisoner, Black Panther and co founder of the Black Liberation Army.

The following segment is a short message to Muslim youth who are newly becoming politicized, but also touches on a brief history of Muslim social and political movements, white supremacy and Islamophobia, the War on Terror, Black Power and How / Why Dhoruba bin Wahad came to Islam while in prison.

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Jalil Muntaqim Requests Call-In

From PrisonJustice.ca

From PrisonJustice.ca

NYC Jericho [more on the org here] received the following request from Jalil Muntaqim former Black Panther Party/Black Liberation Army/ Cointelpro Victim (known in the system as Anthony Bottom #77A4283). (Read about Jalil Muntaqim’s case here.):

I am preparing the Article 78 petition to the Court, however, I am still requesting friends to call Tina Stanford, Commissioner of the Board of Parole, and urge her to reverse the parole denial due to erroneous information in the parole folder: the COMPAS Report and their receipt and review of racist letters opposing …my release.I anticipate that, if several people make these calls, perhaps they will reverse the denial and order a new hearing. I ask that you all make phone calls to Tina Stanford’s office (518-473-9400) urging a decision in my administrative appeal. … In the hopefully short term, it is expected that the NYS Court of Appeals will decide two cases on parole that could establish a precedent on future parole decisions. It is expected the Court will make their decision before the end of the year, which will, if favorable, support my arguments. We shall see!? Yours in Struggle, Jalil A. Muntaqim

(VIDEO) Machete Attack on Police Station – Uyghur Autonomous Region

Video and Excerpts from Sina July 8

Autnomous Uyghur Region, Turkestan

“Surveillance video showing rioters with machetes attacking a local police station on June 26 in Shanshan county of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region was released Saturday.

Reports stated that 24 people, of which 16 were ethnic Uyghurs and eight were Han, were killed. The attacks also left 21 others injured.”

June 26th, Uyghur Autonomous region

June 26th, Uyghur Autonomous region

watch video here

[BAI Note] The clashes in “Turkestan” have been going on for decades as the Muslim Uyghur population has been in a decolonial struggle against the Chinese state and the Han Chinese. The Hans have been flooding and settling the region which is often called “Xinjiang,” which means “New Frontier” or “New Colony,” by the Chinese state and global mainstream media. The security forces in the region are Han Chinese as well and any act against the settlers is considered an act against the state. Since 9/11, the Chinese government has taken to calling the Uyghur rebels “insurgents” and the uprisings acts of “terror.”  The Muslim Uyghur community, now an ethnic minority group in the region, has also been banned by the Chinese state from observing Ramadan. Other Muslim activities such as visits to the masjid (mosques) have also been curbed. Continue reading